I cover some of the things I took away from my trip to EA, Guildford and how I think gameplay will effect FIFA 12 Pro Clubs.
Check out the video...EA Have announced that the latest patch to fix the "Trigger Glitch" as well as Ultimate Team issues will be released on ...
Here it is then the illusive third arcticle in the PROSPECTIVE series. Thanks to everyone who's read the previous issues you can find here and for your patience.
I've chosen to write this article in a slightly different format to the editions before, yet I still hope it offers some insightful information be it to those already involved with clubs or looking to start...
With the iFVPA going from strength to strength and more and more people vying to play FIFA on an International level I thought it would be a good time to take a look at the qualities that make a good International FIFA Clubs player.
Managing any Pro Club is a tough, thankless task so imagine how difficult it must be if you’re the manager of an iFVPA International Squad.
In this post I try to break down the qualities that all International FIFA Managers should possess.
Having played Fifa on the Xbox for the past 10 [...]
UltimateFIFA are proud to take a more active role in this great Pro Clubs Community and I'm sure our Partnership with FVPA will benefit the members that make this community what it is.
Do you lag or delay in FIFA11 Pro Clubs? If so, don't throw those boots away just yet! Here's the solution for you! What to do (and what not to do) to stop FIFA11 Pro Clubs from lagging and disconnecting.
Free Agent world can be a pretty lonely place and full of uncertainty. It’s quite a daunting task, joining the transfer market. Would a Pro Clubs Recruitment Etiquette help by taking away the uncertaincies?
A big welcome to the second article in the PROSPECTIVE series. In recent years I've been involved with the recruitment of players for a few clubs in the FIFA series. One of my pet hates that has come from this, is the "Harlem Globetrotter"! Keep reading to find out more...
It takes a certain kind of person to manage a FIFA 11 Pro Club. Whether you're a manager in the making or a FIFA 11 Pro Clubs player it's important to understand the work that goes into managing a club.
The first article in the series Prospective by veteren Pro Clubs Midfielder Clark I HD. An indroduction to the Midfield maestro himself, some great passing advice from one of the best and a hidden control!?!? You be the judge...
A players insight into creating your pro ready for the new campaign of FIFA Clubs. Click to read more.
Despite the grammatical and spelling errors, this guy really knows how to make a point! ;) (Must Read!)
Everyone must be aware of the issues EA are having with Fifa Pro Clubs since the move to Fifa 11. This is my first update in a series that will keep you updated with the latest goings on.
If you're sick of pausing your game every 5 minutes to see what the Fifa 11 Virtual Pro Accomplishments are, check them out here...