Last week I posted a quite controversial piece detailing 6 ways to dramatically improve your chances of winning Ultimate Team matches. Some people would call some of these tactics cheap, others would even call it cheating and I can’t disagree.

So, are these Ultimate Team cheats or are they just clever tactics employed by the more savvy Ultimate Team players amongst us?

In this post I’m going to discuss some of the “cheap” Ultimate Team tactics and Ultimate Team cheats, address the ethics of them and present measures that can be put in place in future editions of FUT to level the playing field for the good guys that play the game fairly.

Ultimate Team Cheats and Exploits

Using an All Bronze Bench

What it does:

Putting all Bronze players as substitutes lowers your teams star rating meaning you’ll match up against lower quality teams that have put genuine potential substitutes on their bench.

Ultimate Team Cheats Bronze Bench


Is it an Ultimate Team Cheat?

No. It’s not in keeping with how the game’s intended to be played so it could be considered bad sportsmanship but it’s effectively a tactical decision that’s available to everyone.

You’ve just got to decide if having options available to change your tactics and replace tired players is worth matching up against potentially stronger teams.

If you never use your substitutes though it’s a no brainer.

What can be done?

Not a lot with the current way that Ultimate Team games match up. At the moment Ultimate Team tries to match your team up with a team of a similar star rating.

If your star rating takes your whole team including substitutes into account then using a bronze bench will lower your team’s star rating.

If your star rating only includes your starting line up then people will just put 3 bronze players in the starting line up and then substitute 3 gold players in as soon as the match starts. (See my next point…)

The only way round this would be to rethink the factors involved in deciding who you match up against. Maybe factor win/loss ratios into the weighting.

Swapping a Bad Player for a Good Player Straight from Kick Off

What it does:

To combat people backing out once they see your team’s statistics, people have resorted to deceptively fudging the figures in an attempt to get the upper hand on the pitch.

For example, if you put a Bronze goalkeeper up front in your starting line up you will drastically reduce your attack rating and team chemistry leading your opponent to believe your team is weaker than it actually is when they see your stats in the match up screen.

Then once in game they substitute the bronze players them with top gold or In Form players.

Ultimate Team Cheats Bronze Keeper

Is it an Ultimate Team Cheat?

It’s another exploit. It’s misleading and deceiving. It also makes you look like a &*#% and will attract a barrage of abuse from your opponent.

On the other hand though, your doing it to combat people who back out at the matching up screen (leading me to my next point) who get what they deserve…

What can be done?

It comes back to the stats only taking into account the starting line up. Maybe taking into account the full stats for squad would make it a bit more realistic.

The only way to combat it fully though would be to remove the statistics and team chemistry from the matching up screen altogether.

Backing out in the Matching Up Screen

What it does:

In a single player match you can see your opponents defence, midfield and attack ratings and Ultimate Team chemistry before you get into a game.

This gives players a chance to back out if they don’t like what they see.

Players can be selective of who they choose to play, only playing teams when they think they have a distinct advantage.

Is it an Ultimate Team Cheat?

In my opinion, yes! It’s effectively a form of boosting.

The ability to back out at this stage gives people the ability to engineer unreal Win / Loss statistics by choosing only to play poor teams.

Worst of all it means that we all have to sit around for hours trying to find a game because no-one wants to play us.

You should play whoever’s in front of you. If you play against good teams it will make you a better player.

What can be done?

Remove the opponent’s statistics and team chemistry details from the matching up screen like in Ultimate Team tournament matches.

You should only find out details that could influence your decision to play after it’s too late to back out.

Price Fixing

What it does:

People (or often groups of people) buy up a large number of the same Ultimate Team player on the cheap making that player rare in the market. They then flood the market with these players at an inflated price and rake in the coins.

Because they’re the only people now selling this player they can fix the price of the player in the market.

Ultimate Team Cheats Price Fixing

Is it an Ultimate Team Cheat?

No, it’s enterprising. Ultimate Team Price Fixing does produce an awful lot of coins if you get it right but it also requires a lot of time and research and carries with it inherent risks.

It is frustrating however if you want to buy a certain player and Delboy FC is selling every single one of them at an extortionate price.

The bad thing is that reduces (and sometimes even abolishes) competition in the market which means that there’s no need for anyone to lower their prices to win sales.

The buyer ends up paying over the odds.

Ultimate Team has created its own capitalist economy where profits and competition are encouraged so why shouldn’t Ultimate Team entrepreneurs capitalise on their hard earned ventures?

The problem with this is that the rich get richer and and the poor get poorer.

Unlike our real economy, Ultimate Team doesn’t have it’s own Competition Commission to make sure people don’t monopolise markets and to keep prices competitive for the buyer.

What can be done:

Limit the number of the same player that one person can have in his trade pile.

By capping the number of the same players on peoples Trade list you ensure that there’ll always be a number of different sellers in the market competing for sales and keeping prices low (creating Ultimate Team’s own Competition Commission).


People are always going to find exploits with games. Especially one as competitive as FIFA and one where real money is potentially on the line.

So the question remains, are they cheats or are they just tactics? What do you reckon?

  1. Darren March 17, 2012 at 2:42 pm

    very good info….you see this what the rael cheaters do,basically they go to,buy ms point on the cheap download the account then just buy loads of packs,whilst doing this they transfer them over to main account via trade using the web app.thats why you see massive teams and huge prices and people buying the same players as you have mentioned…but for you cheaters out there..if you download loads of account prepare for your console to be banned from online,so this will leave you with a console that can never be used again online…………i hate cheaters…i built my team with £30 worth of packs and then traded from there….the above is not real cheating….cheers

    • Craig Cole March 17, 2012 at 2:54 pm

      I’ve heard of people getting console bans from getting MS points from dhgate and rightly so. If you’re prepared to cheat you’ve got to be prepared to face the consequences.

      • Darren March 17, 2012 at 4:23 pm

        Totally agree,I play for fun,not to cheat,don`t see the point myself..after all its a game….if I win or lose It does not bother me…still doing well though…87-0-56…not bad…

    • Jouzy May 10, 2012 at 3:36 am

      See, I think being able to pay real money to get good players is ridiculous. It should be based on how good you are at the game. £30 on packs? Jesus christ.

  2. Jezamiah March 18, 2012 at 9:47 am

    None of these tactics are cheats really the backing out is dead annoying as well as price fixing but they are legitimate tactics and i know i have used them myself, of course it’s nothing to be proud of but just like scoring sweaty pass across goals you do what you need to win.

  3. FifaMaster March 18, 2012 at 10:24 am

    Yeah it is quite annoying having to put up with some of these things on the game. I thought price fixing was stupid at the start but I took part in one on another fifa forum and made about 80k coins which was the most I’ve ever made! That changed changed my view on price fixing!

    Oh and the other forum was there are usually some price fixes going on there in the trading sections.

    • Craig Cole March 19, 2012 at 6:36 pm

      I agree – the other techniques I tried made coins steadily but were a lot more time consuming for a smaller reward.

      Price fixing can make some serious coins if you get the volumes and the right players.

  4. daniel4ing March 31, 2012 at 9:21 pm

    I like playing my bronze and silver teams but what happens a lot is that my teams get matched up against gold teams with an attack of 86+. I’m happy I can scout my opponents before playing games otherwise I’ll get outrated in every single match I play.

    How to solve this?

    The tournament coins simply need to get a little higher for online play so people are more keen to play online matches and there should be a selection option on what kind of single match you’d be wanting to join. You have a bronze team then there shouldn’t be a chance you get matched up against a gold team with Messi, Ronaldo, Xavi and Inhiesta.

    Higher injury rate could take care of the bench problems. But what happens now is that when people get injured, they’re injured for 4 games. When you get injured in a game shouldn’t always make you injured for several weeks. Also changing the variety more then just 4 weeks would be great.

    EA’s matchmaking system reeks….

  5. sigurdson April 26, 2012 at 9:36 am

    u can use cheat engine aswell buy a bronze pack and use cheat engine

  6. Carl May 12, 2012 at 3:37 pm

    Noticed this new company started with a website but I cant find and more information about it. Its called ultimateteamtraders ltd website is .com …Have you heard about it? I sold stock on ebay but got banned for violation of terms and conditions. This site allows us to sell stock for cash like an ebay site for ultimate team gamers and members have to be verified or get some kind of kick start package.Sounds like its against scamming which is good. Can anyone let me know what you they think? Watch the videos and it has facebook etc Let me know Cheers Carl

  7. abdi July 5, 2012 at 6:32 pm

    lots of coins

  8. Ablomis July 19, 2012 at 10:36 pm

    “In my opinion, yes! It’s effectively a form of boosting.”
    Dude, do u think it is fun when my Bronze team with 50 chemistry (recently created) is matched to silver-gold team with 100 chemistry? Or you like easy wins?

    Playing against stronger team DOES NOT make you stronger because it is not about skills but about the numbers behind the players.

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