EA have released a Fifa11 Be A Goalkeeper Tutorial.

Previously in school teams across the world this was a position reserved for kids who weren’t quite good enough to play out.  Now players everywhere will be dying to have a go as a goalie.  (I know I will!!!)

Whilst playing as goalkeeper you’ll be able to direct your outfield team mates passes using the A, Y and X buttons on Xbox (X, square and triangle buttons on PS3) and instruct them to shoot using the B button (circle button on PS3).

Goalkeeping is all about positioning, anticipation and timing so it’s important to learn the basics before you jump into a competitive match.

You can move your keeper around using the left thumb stick and dive using the right thumb stick. Markers on the pitch will tell you what your ideal position should be and it’s up to you whether you follow them or not. (There is a button to auto position the goalkeeper too).

The flight of the ball is shown by a red line too to help you make the saves.

When dealing with crosses you can press and hold the triangle or Y button to come out and punch the ball away but make sure your timing’s right or you might end up with egg on your face.

Watch the video to find out exactly what’s involved in FIFA 11’s new Be A Goalkeeper mode, from controlling your dives to yelling at teammates.